Peterhead is one of the UK’s most versatile ports, providing exceptional all-weather, congestion-free deepwater berthing facilities at depths of up to 14 metres and serving a broad range of industries including oil and gas, renewables, fishing and leisure.
Peterhead is proud of it’s heritage as the UK’s largest white fish and pelagic (mackerel and herring) port and are building on their reputation as a traditional centre of excellence for both fishing fleets by providing a full range of constantly updated modern quayside services including on-site fish market, ice and water plants, fuel supplies, and ship repair and maintenance at their slipway, syncrolift and dry dock.
They are equally proud of the role they have played in the development of North Sea oil and gas over the past 40 years, successfully serving areas such as rig IRM, surveying, diving support, offshore logistics and safety, subsea exploration and construction.