Categories: a-port-information, Business, DartmouthPublished On: 01.04.2019299 words1.5 min read

I am raising money for Seafarers UK by sailing around the whole of the UK and attempting to visit every harbour with a Harbour Master. Where possible, I will meet the Harbour Master and record some information about their harbour and their job on Instagram (@harbourmastersailingchallenge) ending up with a unique record. April 2019 to October 2020.

No alt text provided for this imageSeafarers UK has been helping people in the maritime community for over 100 years, by providing vital support to seafarers in need and their families, and to those in education or training who are preparing to work or serve at sea. The charity does this by giving grants to organisations and projects that make a real difference to people’s lives, across the Merchant Navy, Fishing Fleets, Royal Navy and Royal Marines. Last year, Seafarers UK gave grants totalling £2.5 million to 50 maritime welfare charities. Seafarers UK receives no government funding and is heavily dependent on public donations and legacies to maintain its grant-making programme.

Between April 2019 and October 2020 I am attempting to visit every Harbour Master in the UK starting from Dartmouth. I am sailing my 34 ft Nauticat motorsailer “Good Dog” from harbour to harbour in a clockwise direction around the UK. I am asking the Harbour Masters what is unique about their harbour and what is the most interesting aspect of their job.

10% of what I raise is being donated to St Martin’s Church, Lillington, Sherborne, Dorset. I am church warden of this beautiful and thriving church, and in return for being relased from my wardening duty for my 2 year Odyssey, Seafarers UK has kindly agreed to share part of what I raise

Further details about Mark’s trip and how to support his fund raising can be found here: