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Making inclusion an everyday reality in UK ports

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The BPA’s Council had highlighted that inclusion in the workplace is an area that UK ports might want to look at in terms of their operations and communications.

There will be a series four webinars taking place on 24 February and 3/10/24 March from 11:30-13:00. They will be held online using Microsoft Teams and will be recorded, meaning you can share with colleagues who may not be able to attend the live webinar. The webinars are free to attend for all BPA port and associate members, for non-members it will cost £20 +VAT per session.

Why Inclusion?

Inclusion is a broad subject and is a term that trips off the tongue of many. However, people have different understandings of what the word means. Many use the word inclusion as an interchangeable one with diversity, or even equality. Inclusive Employers focus on workplace inclusion and look at inclusion as an overarching culture that encompasses diversity and equality and many other aspects of our working lives. This series of webinars will give you an understanding of why inclusion is essential for people in workplaces to feel valued and to flourish at work. We will explore why inclusion is everyone’s right and responsibility, and how inclusive work environments benefit everyone.

Who should attend these webinars?

This is not just for HR professionals! Colleagues of all levels and roles interested in improving their understanding about inclusion and making a difference in the work environment. This includes everyone from board level and the executive team, to middle managers and junior staff from any of your teams. We really hope to have a strong turnout from members and look forward to your support on this.

What are the objectives of this webinar programme?


  1. Equip colleagues with clarity on what inclusion is
  2. Shatter myths and illusions about inclusion and diversity
  3. Enable colleagues to reflect on the impact of their actions
  4. Offer colleagues an understanding of unconscious bias and how it impacts on decisions
  5. Encourage colleagues to have be open to differences
  6. Encourage colleagues to be inclusion allies.

Webinar 1 – Introduction to inclusion 


  • What is inclusion? What is Diversity?
  • Why they matter in our ports
  • Why difference matters
  • The Equality Act – (Protected Characteristics)
  • This is us, it’s about all of us




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