Categories: Business, ICHCAPublished On: 05.03.2020585 words2.9 min read

ICHCA International is proud to be delivering its Spring 2020 Meet in partnership with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) this April. Spread across three days, the event will offer a packed agenda focusing on making sense of the very real and dangerous safety threats to the industry and its valued workers.

The HSE is a government agency responsible for the encouragement, regulation and enforcement of workplace health, safety and welfare and carry out research into occupational risk in the HSE Science and Research Centre laboratories located in Buxton, UK.

Event Programme

Monday 6 April 2020

 09:00 – 13:00

ICHCA International Board Meeting (Directors, observers and invited attendees only)

Location: HSE Research Centre laboratories

13:00 – 16:30

Tour of HSE Site and Laboratory (open to all, registration required)

Delegates are invited to a guided tour of the fantastic facilities and to see some of the work currently being carried out by the HSE.

 18:00 – 19:30

Informal welcome reception in Hotel (open to all, no-host)

Location: Old Hall Hotel, Buxton

Tuesday 7 April 2020

 09:00 – 16:00

HSE/ICHCA Workshop on step-change in health and safety (open to all, registration required)

Despite dramatic improvements in the safety record in the handling of marine cargoes in ports in the last 20 years the rate of decrease has stagnated, and we have experienced over 200 fatalities since the start of 2018. As safety professionals in the industry this is not a level, we should feel comfortable with, especially when compared to the progress achieved in other sectors over the same period.

As the leading voice in cargo handling, ICHCA International is determined to help find new approaches that will improve this situation. On 7 April we are holding a joint Workshop with the UK Health and Safety Executive where a new strategy for the improvement of safety at the ship-port interface will be developed. We are inviting you to participate and contribute your experience and expertise on how the industry should move forward.

HSE is the UK government organisation charged with improving workplace health and safety and is supporting ICHCA in this vital international work. The Workshop will take place at HSE’s Research Centre in Buxton, in the English Peak District outside Manchester, but it will address an issue of global significance and is open to all ICHCA members to attend. The event will also build on the incident data we have and the “climate” in our industry following a pilot “Safety Climate Tool” exercise that members have embarked upon.

Location: HSE Research Centre laboratories 

19:00 for 19:30 start

ITP #83 Informal Dinner (registration required, no-host)

Join members of ICHCA’s Technical Panel for an informal dinner.

Location: Old Hall Hotel, Buxton

Wednesday 8 April 2020

 09:00 – 09:30

Members General Meeting (open to ICHCA members only; other attendees, whilst welcome, will not be able to vote)

Location: HSE Research Centre laboratories 

09:30 – 16:30

ITP #83 (open to all, registration required)

ICHCA’s Technical Panel (ITP) will be meeting for the 83rd time. ITP represents a formidable body of expertise in cargo handling safety, legislation and operational best practice.

The Panel brings together experienced practitioners, legislators, consultants and other interested parties to debate and develop good practice in cargo handling worldwide.

Location: HSE Research Centre laboratories 

Main Venue

HSE Laboratories, Harpur Hill, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 9JN, UK

The HSE Science and Research Centre is in Buxton, Derbyshire, 45 min drive from Manchester International Airport. Buxton is a thermal spa town nestled in the centre of the beautiful Peak District and the UK’s oldest National Park. More information about Buxton and the surrounding area can found via this link: