In November 2021, the UK will host COP26, the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, in Glasgow, Scotland. Contracting parties to the Convention will meet to assess progress towards achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement.
‘Adaptation and Resilience’ is a priority of the UK COP26 Presidency. Ports, like other forms of transport infrastructure, are potentially vulnerable to the effects of climate change, particularly extreme weather. If the sector is to be well-prepared to face these changes, urgent action is needed to adapt infrastructure and to improve the climate-resilience of both assets and operations.
In order to help promote such action, this workshop aims to facilitate the exchange of experiences and the sharing of good practice. Presentations from port practitioners around the world will be followed by participative panel discussion sessions.
Amongst others, the workshop will include speakers from ports in the UK, USA, Argentina, Canada, South Africa, Spain, Dubai, Malaysia and Australia.
To see the detailed programme for this event, see below
To find out about other activities in the International Maritime Hub, click hereCOP26_workshop_on_climate_change_adaptation_for_ports_-_programme