Categories: a-port-information, Business, UK Major Ports GroupPublished On: 15.06.2022181 words0.9 min read

The UK Major Ports Group, the trade association for the UK’s largest port operators, has welcomed the Government’s new Future of Freight Plan, released today.

Commenting, Tim Morris, Chief Executive of the UK Major Ports Group, said:

“The freight network, with major ports as critical hubs, provides the vital arteries pumping goods we all rely on around the UK everyday and is the lifeblood of UK businesses. Yet it is all too often overlooking or not given enough priority.

Today’s Future of Freight Plan is a welcome spotlight on this system and contains, if carried through, some developments that could potentially change the game for freight.  These include designating a ‘strategic freight network’ with major ports as key nodes (something UKMPG has been calling for and has already identified), improving the recognition and valuation of freight in Government decision making and looking at improvements to the planning regime for freight.

We look forward to continuing to work closely with Government on the all important implementation phase so that this is not just another dusty report on a shelf.”