Categories: a-port-information, British Ports Association, Business, Port of London Authority, UK Major Ports GroupPublished On: 25.06.2020174 words0.9 min read

WEBINAR: Improving air quality and reducing carbon emissions at ports

It’s not too late to register for our latest free interactive webinar on improving air quality and reducing carbon emissions at ports, Tuesday 30 June at 10:00 AM (GMT).

Hear from the experts, and ask your questions, as they deliver the latest insight on strategies being implement to reduce ports emissions.

Speakers confirmed:

  • Richard Ballantyne Chief Executive British Ports Association
  • Tanya Ferry Head of Environment Port of London Authority
  • Tim Morris Chief Executive Officer UK Major Ports Group
Tuesday 30 June 2020


WEBINAR: Improving air quality and reducing carbon emissions at ports

10:00-11:00 AM (GMT)

Tuesday 30 June 2020 Online webinar

How can ports become greener and reduce emissions? This is the question that will be explored in this free webinar which will consider initiatives UK ports are introducing, the barriers to reducing emissions and consider how to develop air quality plans.


You can sign up for the free webinar using the link below.